Monday, June 8, 2009

"It's a beautiful day on the iiiiisland..."

"It's a beautiful day on the iiiiisland... a beautiful day on the island... would you be mine, would you be mine, won't you be my model?"

Here is just a sample of some of my favorite shots of people...

Capturing people in their element, perhaps a moment in time- joyful, meaningful or tearful- is really an amazing to me.
I love discovering what makes someone tick and then trying my best to capture their personality or that moment in their lives through a camera lens.
Sometimes it is the joy and innocence of a child, the ever-changing face of parenthood, the resolve and experience of an older person, or the newness of a marriage.
Some people are truly at ease in front of a lens and others are more reticent.
Working with the model to earn their trust and ensure a sense of ease and comfort during the shoot is key.
And most importantly, making it fun for everyone in the end is what it is all about!
A hui hou,

1 comment:

  1. Aubrey,
    Your images of the jacaranda bring back wonderful memories of Maui. Thanks so much! Doug
