What a year it has been for me in terms of music photography! 

When I was given the opportunity to shoot the concerts at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center, I was delighted to say the least.
I get to do what I love and listen to great music while I work (with ear plugs in-hee hee!).
It has been an incredible year for concerts at the MACC. Our little tropical island has hosted musical legends including Sheryl Crow, Steve Miller, Jimmy Buffet, Journey, Aerosmith, Loggins and Messina, Pablo Cruise, John Legend, Michael McDonald and Boz Scaggs.
And local musical legends including Willie K, Eric Gilliom, Richard Ho'opi'i, Ryan Kamaka Fernandez, Jeff Peterson, Vince Esquire and Makana just to name a few.

The MACC also hosted the annual Ukulele Festival as well as the Slack Key Guitar Festival making it a well- rounded year for all types of music lovers.

I love my job with the MACC and can't wait to go to work- you can only imagine how fun the office is! Thanks to Art, Candy, Steve, Mick, Launa, both Lisas, Teri, Toni, Karen, Barbara, Karee and the entire hard working crew at the MACC for welcoming me to the team and making my job exciting every day!
Next up: Sammy Hagar, the Red Rocker at the MACC on April 9, 2010. Tickets available at (808) 242-SHOW or log onto http://www.mauiarts.org/.
To music lovers everywhere!
Really nice collection of images. The MACC is a good venue. The couple of times I went I was impressed.